Legend of French cuisine, source of health.
Made by cold pressing method.
Walnut oil is widely used in Asian and US cuisine for salads, for cooking sauces, for all types of cold dishes. Particularly well used in dough preparations. Walnut oil – is a very high quality product with a taste of value. This is a product with great nutritional qualities during the recovery period after diseases and operations.
Unrefined nut kernel oil
It has high-quality indicators. Composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B macro-and microelements (zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt).
The basic product for oil production is walnut kernel. Composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, reaching 60%, a large amount of vitamin E, vitamin A, B. Walnut oil also contains quite a large amount of polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which can dilute the blood, which in turn prevents the formation of blood clots, thus avoiding strokes.
By the use of oil is stimulated peristalsis of the colon and small intestine, bile ducts cleaned by stagnant bile. Therefore, walnut oil is recommended for older adults suffering from coronary heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Walnut oil also helps to increase immunity because it contains antioxidants, which slows down the aging process, also inhibits the effect of radiation, normalizes the thyroid gland and blood sugar.
Walnut oil has a great effect on the body, improving metabolism, rejuvenating it, lowering cholesterol levels and promoting weight loss. It includes plant enzymes – inmiridasis, which enhances the formation of male seeds and promotes better blood circulation in the genital area.
Even in ancient times, walnut oil was used to cure tuberculosis. Because walnut has anti-inflammatory properties, this oil promotes the healing of ulcers, fractures, various wounds, and various inflammatory diseases of the mucosa. Very well, along with a variety of drugs apply for treating varicose veins, boils, psoriasis and eczema. It is also used as a remedy for worms, it is valuable not only as a dietic product, but also as a therapeutic agent.
It possesses high quality indicators. This determines the value of nut kernel oil in treatments and diets.
The company SRL "Aliment-Ulei" is pleased to offer you to buy walnut oil in the networks of the city's commercial stores.
In kitchen:
- Walnut oil is widely used in the kitchen, it is added to the preparation of cakes, pies and other baked products, it is perfect for the preparation of sauces and salads.
- Walnut oil – is an amazing tool to soften the skin, which retains moisture. It is also contained in creams for different parts of the skin, as usual, in hand cream, hand balm and body care. This is why it is so widely used in cosmetology.
- The oil is used as a means of enhancing a tan.
- Rejuvenates, regenerates and tones the skin and is quickly absorbed and leaves the skin soft and silky.
All technologies are designed, developed and manufactured by our department specially designed to process nuts. Thus, we managed to get the best balance in price and quality.
Tratamentul cu ulei de nucă accelerează metabolismul și reduce nivelul de colesterol din sânge, datorita carea duce la o reducere a greutății corpului și de întinerire.